Dermatology is an area of medicine concerned with the health of the skin and diseases of the hair, nails and mucous membranes. The skin is the largest organ in the body. It is the first line of defense against bacteria and injury and often reflects overall health. Dermatology involves but is not limited to the study, research and diagnosis of normal disorders, diseases, cancers, cosmetic and aging conditions of the skin, fat, hair, nails and oral and genital membranes and the management of these by different investigations and therapies, including but not limited to dermatohistopathology, topical and systemic medications, dermatologic surgery and dermatologic cosmetic surgery, immunotherapy, phototherapy, laser therapy, radiotherapy and photodynamic therapy.
WBC Count / Rbc Count / Haemoglobin / Platelet Count / PCV / MCV / MCH / ESR / Neutrophils / Lymphocytes / Eosinophils / Basophils / Monocytes.
Color and Appearance / Reaction PH / Specific Gravity / Protein / Albumin / Glucose / Acetone / Bile Salt / Bile Pigment / Urobilinogen / RBC / Pus cells / Epithelial Cells / Bacteria / Casts / Crystals / Others