Neurosurgery a branch of surgery involved with brain injury, spine and nerves, is a key specialty at CNH. Our neurosurgery doctors treat neurological diseases such as brain injury or diseases, head injury, spinal injury, brain tumors, spinal tumors, brain hemorrhage, hydrocephalus, nerve injuries, tumors, disc prolapse or herniation, spinal dislocation, unstable spine congenital malformations like atlantoaxial dislocation, spinal dysraphism etc. Treatment of seizures or epilepsy as well as modem treatments for movement disorders like Parkinson's disease are further specializations. Our neurologists will check for complex neurology diseases and conditions of the patient and provide treatment based on the observation.
Neurology is a branch of medical science which deals with complete nervous system of the human body, the peripheral and central nervous system. This also includes the diagnosis and treatment of nervous disorders.
Neurology is a branch of medical science that deals with complete nervous system of the human body, the peripheral and central nervous system. This also includes the diagnosis and treatment of nervous disorders.
Brain is the control center of the body. All the nervous system, spinal cord and neurons are connected to it. A brain disorder happens usually with an injury, disease or other health problems. Some disorders of the brain include confusion, headache, seizures, memory problem, changes from normal behavior, problem in vision, lack of muscle control, vomiting, nausea, etc.,